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Greg Holland

World Series X-Factors for the Kansas City Royals

Can anyone stop this freight train called the Kansas City Royals? I highly doubt it! Coming into the 2014 MLB Season, all baseball critics and baseball enthusiasts didn't have the Royals on anyone's radar as contenders. Every one of them would describe this ball club as "scrappy", "played small ball", and said that they didn't have enough fire…

All-Star Relief Pitchers Predictions

When selecting relief pitchers for the all-star game, managers look to take the best of the best and shoot mostly at taking closers. In recent years we've seen more set-up pitchers make the all-star game like Blue Jays' lefty Brett Cecil last year in New York and Jonny Venters in 2011 when we had tremendously low ERA, but to make the all-star game…