Will the NFL Actually return to Los Angeles?

Will the NFL Actually return to Los Angeles?

The biggest question surrounding the NFL  is will a team play in Los Angeles once more? The answer? It looks like at least one team will be back in L.A. by 2016, and my money is on the St. Louis Rams. For all of the talk that the San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders may be moving to LA, it seems more as a scare tactic to their respective cities in an attempt to get a better stadium deal.

There has been a lot of speculation that the Chargers will be the team to leave. Being a San Diego native, I can tell you that the Chargers moving into Los Angeles with the Raiders would be a horrible move. Let’s face it, the fans would not get along. Simple as that.

Not to be out done, there are lawsuits being filed against the Chargers to block them from moving. At the same time, all of the moves they make seem to tell a different story. The hope in San Diego is that the Chargers stay in because that’s where they belong.

Regarding the Rams, everything seems to be pointing towards them moving to Los Angeles, but that is still yet to be seen. There has been less speculation regarding the Rams in comparison to the Raiders and Chargers, both of whom are already in California.

The Raiders are in the same situation as the Chargers, the only difference being they share a stadium with the Oakland Athletics. Seeing them wanting to move comes to no surprise. But it is still hard to imagine them moving into a stadium with their long time rivals.

So, who goes and who stays? That will be determined next year, since no one can relocate until the new year. However, the next 6 months are going to be crucial for each of the three teams as they make big decisions regarding their franchises.

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Los AngelesNational Football LeagueNFLOakland RaidersSan Diego ChargersSt. Louis Rams
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