Top 10 Baseball Movies

Top 10 Baseball Movies

#10. The Rookie


A great story of a baseball coach and teacher who is known for his fastball and makes the big leagues after being motivated by the team he coached to go to a Tampa Bay Devil Rays tryout.

Dennis Quaid’s portrayal of a teacher in a small sleepy town in Texas who chases his dream and miraculously succeeds should appeal to all. On top of that, how his story energizes the entire town and the family dynamics at work make this more than just a baseball movie.

#9. The Sandlot


A classic movie that has sayings that are still used today on baseball fields. Who hasn’t been told at least once in your life “You’re killing me smalls!”? Another strong point of this movie is the music it uses as it features songs like Tequila, Green Onions, and Wipe Out.

#8. Rookie of the Year


I wonder how many kids broke their arm during the time this movie was released. A fantastic feel-good story of a kid who plays for the Chicago Cubs.

#7. The Natural

A movie in which a man comes out of nowhere to become a great baseball player, thus the title “The Natural”. The Roy Hobbs story may be a fictional account, but it is a well-told story on screen.

Unlike stories about players who succeed against the odds, this is a redemption story about a wonderfully-gifted athlete who came close to losing everything.

#6. Fever Pitch

I would like to have a similar relationship like the one in this movie. Shows the story of how a baseball freak goes through his everyday life.

Based on the story of a soccer fan in England, this Americanized version is a sweet love story that goes well beyond boy-meets-girl.

#5. Bull Durham

A movie that shows what a player in the minor leagues goes through. Comes to show that many minor leaguers do not make it to the big leagues.

Director Ron Shelton does an amazing job in depicting the far less glamorous lives the players lead in the lower leagues. The small-town setting in ballparks that have since given way to sterile modern parks brings back lots of memories of days gone by.

#4. Major League

Arguably the greatest set of baseball comedies out there. Major League has three movies and they’re all great, their fictitious characters are very well known like Rick “The Wild Thing” Vaughn, Pedro Cerrano, and Jake Taylor.

#3. 42

This movie shows the struggles that Jackie Robinson had to go through to play baseball in the major leagues. A very inspirational story of his life and how his entrance into the league changed not only his life, but the attitudes of everyone around him.

#2. Moneyball

Moneyball is an amazing movie that shows a lot of behind the scenes transactions and ideas that Athletics general manager Billy Beane has.

The struggle Beane (played by Brad Pitt in one of his best roles to date) faces in going against the word of his old-fashioned scouts as he tries to implement his new method of evaluating players, is portrayed very well.

#1. Field of Dreams

“If you build it, he will come.” The ultimate baseball movie which demonstrates the love for baseball. Every baseball fan will agree that this movie is one of the greatest of all times.

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baseballBaseball MoviesBull DurhamFever PitchField of DreamsMajor LeagueMoneyballRookie of the YearThe NaturalThe RookieThe SandlotTop 10Top 10 Baseball Movies