Louisville Basketball Update

Louisville Basketball Update


Katina Powell has not had a good last few days.

Her youngest daughter, Abraeshea Moorman, referred to as Shay in Powell’s book Breaking Cardinal Rules: Basketball and the Escort Queen, said she does not support the book.  Moorman has an arrest warrant pending against her in Indiana stemming from a June 2014 misdemeanor prostitution charge in Indianapolis.

Also, five women named in the book have joined in a lawsuit University of Louisville student Kyle Hornback has brought against Powell, her co-author Dick Cady and their publisher, IBJ Publishing, as have two more Louisville students.  The women — Precious Burnley, Dolly Bolden, Shinita Martin, Jemiah Nash and Marquease Richardson — said the book’s allegations that they had paid sex with athletes are false, and their photographs or likenesses were used without permission.

As reported by Beth Warren of The Courier-Journal, attorneys J. Andrew White and Nader Shunnarah, representing the five women, said one of the women has never been a dancer and the other four danced but did not engage in sex for money.  Furthermore, one of the four who danced has not been to U of L’s campus.

This raises the ante in the lawsuit, according to Louisville attorney Jon Fleischaker, who represents the Kentucky Press Association and The Courier-Journal. Fleischaker said he believed the original suit had no merit because of First Amendment concerns, but the new allegations could be troubling.  Powell’s book accuses the five women of participating in illegal acts; if this is untrue, the women might have a case for defamation of character.


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