Lauren Hill is a True Rock Star. In the video below, you will see her 17-second college basketball career.
Lauren is a beautiful young lady who is dying. A life that is going to be cut way to short, due to a large brain tumor that is inoperable. The cancerous tumor has won. Thus, Lauren’s precious days are numbered. However, when you hear from her and her friends, all you get is the light of joy, making her a truly amazing person.
Lauren fell in love with basketball in 6th grade, and she put everything that she had into it, dreaming of playing basketball in college. Many individuals thought that her dream would come to an end when her diagnosis of cancer came during her senior year in high school. While Lauren was doing what she loved – playing basketball – she was feeling dizzy and was having vertigo complications. In a CBS interview, her dad stated that Lauren asked the doctors if she could still play basketball after the diagnosis.
The dream, desire and passion was still burning inside of her. She enrolled into Mount St. Joseph, and her dream was one step closer.
During the summer, there was nobody that had the Hiram vs Mount St. Joseph (both Division III schools) Women’s Basketball game circled on their calendar. However, Lauren and her story changed all of that; for that, she is a rock star.
A lot of credit goes to Hiram’s coach Emily Hays, and Mount St. Joseph coach Dan Benjamin. The conversation that they had in a Reynoldsburg gym while watching high school students recruits playing ball got the ball moving for a magical night for Lauren. Through this conversation and multiple conversations with many parties, the game was able to be moved up so Lauren could not only be at the game but start and participate.
A team that may normally have 100 individuals in attendance ended up having over 10,000 individuals there to support her and see history unfold. The game ended up having to be moved to Xavier to hold the crowd, and this placed the game under bigger lights, which was well-deserved.

Game time was around the corner and Lauren’s condition was worsening, but the dream was still there. Mount St. Joseph had set up the play and practiced it numerous times when her health permitted. The tumor’s aggressive growth had affected her coordination, so she had to switch hands to shoot a ball. However, it was Lauren’s night, and she was not to be denied. The ball dropped through the hoop and everyone in attendance celebrated, there was not a dry eye in the crowd.
Lauren has maintained a high spirit, but she also has a big heart and a servant heart to make a difference. One of the biggest things that she has done is to start a foundation called “The Cure Starts Now”, and doing what she can in the fight against pediatric cancer is one of her top priorities.
PERSONAL NOTE: To that, we all shout from the mountain top “THANK YOU”. Cancer is a horrendous disease. Breast cancer gets a lot of recognition and research money (rightfully so). However, there are other cancers that do not receive as much money and they are fighting big battles.
As a father with a daughter who had tumors on her optical nerves and brain stem, and having seen her go through 60 weeks of chemotherapy in the pediatric unit, I see the need. Lauren should be lifted up. She should be lifted up not only because of the money she is raising but the awareness that she is bringing for the cause. Other than creating awareness, she is a beacon of light to many children who may want to give up, but Lauren shows, that you can continue to live and continue to chase your dreams.
Ms. Hill, thanks for not being afraid of dying. Thank you for your concern for others. May peace, comfort and strength go to those that you are leaving behind that you are worried about. You are one special person.
Lauren Hill’s basket may be the greatest 2 points in 2014.
UPDATE: On Thursday, November 6, Lauren Hill was presented with a one-of-a-kind customized Wheaties box. There are no plans by Wheaties to make this box available to the public, but that could change with high demand.
Featured image: USA Today