Introducing: The AOSN Forum

Introducing: The AOSN Forum

TheAOSN Forum Launch

TheAOSN would like to take this opportunity to unveil an exciting new venture for the website, as we launch the official TheAOSN Forum:

TheAOSN Forum

We hope that this forum will create a way for readers and site users to interact more freely. As articles are shared and posted on the message board, TheAOSN’s hope is that plenty of discussion will be generated among all sports fans.

Registration is simple, and most importantly, FREE! You may create your own user ID at the forum, or you can login using your Facebook, Twitter, or WordPress IDs. Once registered, users will be able to connect to all features on the forum, including starting your own sports (or even non-sports) discussion threads, sharing pictures, tweets, and other links of interest, etc.

WHY is TheAOSN doing this? As the site continues to grow in terms of clicks and views, the staff feels that this offers an opportunity for users to have a more meaningful experience on the site through healthy discussion and debate of the sports we love and keep up with.

See you on the forum!

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