Football 101: Introduction

Football 101: Introduction

I’m going to be writing detailed pieces about football. The focus will be about scheme, X’s and O’s, history of the game, and anything else a football junkie can sink their teeth into. Welcome to Football: 101.

I’m T.R. Taylor and I’ll be writing Football 101 here on All Out Sports Network. I have coached high school football for four years and spent a lot of time soaking up all football knowledge I can. I have been lucky enough to be around very smart and experienced football minds during my time as a coach. I’ve be fortunate enough to meet with, talk with, and listen to seminars by many coaches from all levels of the game. While I don’t claim to be Don Coryell, I do know a bit about the game and love talking with anyone else who shares a passion for it.

I want to write Football 101 because it’s hard to find articles about real football. Articles about fantasy football, players getting in trouble, players having a twitter war, training camp stars, and the like are great but sometimes we need more. I know football junkies like me would prefer something that has more to digest. It’s also my mission to help bring a better understanding of the game to people. American football is the most complicated televised sport in the world. Everyone knows that you can pass or run the ball and the defense has to make a tackle. Not everyone knows what went in to making that tackle. Not everyone knows what went in to that five yard gain on the ground. Not everyone knows how that receiver got open so deep down the field.

Hopefully these articles can help someone learn about the game, inspire a passion for it, or even just give someone a different type of article to read. I will try to share as much as I can and I will always continue to seek more knowledge of the game. If there is anything in particular you would like to see me write about then just let me know via the comments section.


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